Most of our student members are seniors, and they were taking an AP test last Thursday (I think it was the Biology test). I hope they did well. One of the senior members did make it down -- Jarquise McComb -- and, together with a friend tagging along, got some garlic I had leftover from last year's farm share started in a water bath.
It was her idea to try the garlic both ways -- half with their husk still on, the other half peeled. I checked in on them today and they're sprouting and growing roots:

It looked like a few with the husks were trying to get moldy; these I moved to another tray. Hopefully Jarquise can use the results of her little experiment to figure out what the safest way to start garlic bulbs is!
Sophomores and junior members were curiously absent -- but this was the first week that I didn't go on the intercom to remind students, instead sending them messages from the day before to their phones.